Support / Help

Frequently asked questions

What is Jsfeed & how do i use?

You can contact us with your query, we will definitely help you and we try our best to solved your query.
1] Simply go to Support page.
2] Click on General Help tab which is given on the page.
3] Fill the form with your query and submit it.
We will contact you within an 24 hour.

Jsfeed is secured ?

Yes, We are secured. We have teams that manage all your data with security. So don't worry, your data will be completely secure on our server.

How can i access Pro feature?

Simply, 1] Go to the Upgrade Pro page.
2] Choose your plan as per your requirement.
3] Select your payment method, & click on pay.
After successfully payment complete, You will be accesss all pro feature.

What is pro on Jsfeed?

Pro feature can be upgrade your profile portfolio. Where you can access multiple new feature. Click here to check. Upgrade To Pro.

Payment failed, but Money deducted from bank?

Wait upto 7 day, We will processed money to your bank if it was deducted from your bank.

Still have questions?

Get in touch with our team.




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